Tracy joined Haycock in May 2014. Tracy is married with two children. She grew up in Upper Black Eddy, and after graduating from Palisades High School she attended Lansdale School of Business. [...]
Max Whylings first joined Haycock’s summer staff in 2009 as a counselor, and has been at Haycock every summer since then. He started running the summer program in 2013, and started serving at [...]
Paul and Renee Olsen joined Haycock in May 2013. With them are their five children, Linneah, Leif, Helena, Arkadii and Hayden. Paul graduated from Long Island University, C.W. Post with a [...]
Dave Stiansen joined the staff at Haycock in June of 2012. Camping ministry has played an integral part in his spiritual growth, and at a camp in West Virginia at the age of 13, he first laid [...]